Monday, October 10, 2011

Saying Goodbye to a Legend

Last week the world lost an incredible leader and quite possibly the most inspirational leader and CEO that the technology industry has ever witnessed. Of course I am talking about Steve Jobs, CEO and the former face of Apple, Inc. Some people have compared his contributions to the world of technology on par with the contributions Albert Einstein made to science, mathematics and physics.

Though Steve Jobs did not rewrite the laws of physics he did without any question change the way that the world views multi-media. From the creation of the first Macintosh PC to the creation of the i-phone and the i-pad. He has helped to make media content more accessible worldwide. The world is going to miss you Steve!!

As the world of technology changes ever so rapidly it is absolutely paramount that we encourage the responsible recycling of all electronic consumer goods. Phones 4 Charity works not only to keep these electronic consumer goods out of the landfills where they cause irreversible harm to the environment but to tap into the value of these discarded consumer goods in order to raise money for those that need it the most, both in the US and abroad.

 Phones 4 Charity works with the the American Red Cross, Give 2 The Troops, Feed The Children and Pink 4 Ever, Inc. to name a few. To Donate an individual phone or to start a phone drive visit us on the web at

"The American Red Cross name is used with its permission. This in no way constitutes an express or otherwise implied endorsement of any product, service, company, individual or political position."

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